SBTi-Finance Temperature rating: Streamlining data used for calculating the temperature rating

Hi Henrik,

Thanks for your questions. You may find some of the answers in our Getting Started Guide (GSG) for the tool.

  1. The data legend section of the GSG gives that it should be given in tCO2e.

  2. The data legend section of the GSG gives that it should be in dollar/euro/krona or a currency of your choosing, but that you should use the same currency for all values in the portfolio. It should not be scaled.

  3. The data legend section of the GSG gives that you should use “Absolute, Intensity or Other” in this column.

  4. It could be that, but this data point should be collected from the company and as the data legend section of the GSG states it should be a value between 0 and 1, as a percentage of the target achieved.

  5. The data legend section of the GSG gives that start year is not required and if omitted base year is used.

  6. The data legend section of the GSG gives that all base year GHG data should be in tCO2e.

I hope that helps.


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