Due to the forthcoming change in format of the SBTi dashboard and the accompanying Excel file with Companies Taking Action, the SBTi-finance-tool must be updated to function with the new format. In conjunction with this, the Python code will move to Python 3.9 due to Google Colab’s recent upgrade to this version of Python. No changes to method are planned. The new version of the SBTi-finance-tool (1.0.7) will be released once final testing can be done using the released version of the dashboard. This should mean that the new version of the tool will be available no later than 48h after the release of the CTA.
The SBTI-finance-tool has now bee updated to be able to read the new CTA file from the SBTi website. The tool now also uses Python 3.9, an update that was made possible by Google’s move from 3.7 to 3.9 in Colab earlier this year.
The new version is 1.0.8. (1.0.7 had some missing dependencies and was immediately replaced by the newer version).