PTR Tool Updates

Hi there,

Are there any expected future developments and updates of the current SBTi FI PTR Tool in the near future? e.g. 3-6 months. I ask because we are currently developing a score and want to ensure that once we have developed it, the methodology won’t change.

Thank you,


Hi Henry, we are working on some updates to the methodology and tool, hopefully going live in May. However we dont expect to have a major impact on the current ratings, but will offer some additional features like better capturing FI targets and other forms of scope 3 targets, such as supplier engagement.
As temperature ratings are a very new metric, we expect the methodologies to naturally evolve over the next years, but we will always give FIs the chance to refine/update targets if there are any changes to the method.

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Hi Eoin,

Thank you for this info.

Do you know if the updates to the tool are expected to consider short or long term targets? i.e. Companies with targets that are not within the 5-15 year window. These companies are scored 3.2’C by default, which does feel a harsh reflection on some ambitious targets that we are seeing.

Many thanks,


If this question is regarding the SBTi Finance Tool, then please note that the tool calculates temperature scores for the time frames short, mid and long it there is target data available. But please let me know if I misunderstood the question.