Version of target setting tool for SDA targets

For Financial Institution’s Scope 3 targets set using the SDA methodology, the minimum ambition is well-below 2C. However, in the target setting tool v2.1 recommended for target setting, there is only the SBTi 1.5C pathway available for SDA sectors while v1.2.1 has the ETP WB2DS available. Is the v1.2.1 tool still valid for target submitted in 2023- 2025 for validation?


A v1.3 tool has been released that is intended only for use by FIs to set well-below 2°C targets, though we recommend using the v2.2 tool and/or other sector-specific tools to set 1.5°C targets. FIs should also check the relevant SBTi sector webpage(s) for the most up-to-date information.