Timeline for fixing missing ISIN/LEI data

It seems that this issue has been raised in the past, but I would like to ask for more detail regarding the timeline for a fix.
When downloading the SBTi data and comparing against portfolio or benchmark, a lot of companies do not have any kind of identifier (ISIN or LEI). It makes portfolio analysis and benchmark analysis incomplete, as a lot of targets are not picked up, and manually checking all companies by name is an extremely lengthy process, not viable in the long term for periodic monitoring.
Is there work being done towards improving SBTi’s ID database? If so, when should we expect to see a fix?

Thank you for your help.

Hi Alize,

Not all companies have ISIN or LEI identifiers provided, we look to update them as made available to us on our CTA table. Have you tried ISIC codes in the meantime? What is an ISIC Code? - SICCODE.com