Reduction of scope 3 and donating IT

Hello Everyone,

we are currently working on our carbon footprint calculation as an IT Service Prodiver. Along the way we have asked us some questions:

  1. Currently we are donating our no longer required hardware to social projects to ensure that the devices have a life after they have served us as they are still in a good condition. Is there any way to reflect this in our Carbon Footprint calculation? Or are we solely saving the emissions that we would have created trough trashing the devices?

  2. How can we reach Net Zero in Scope 3 in the near future? Is it possible for companies to compensate anyhow those emissions of Scope 3, which are unavoidable before 2030 / 2045? How do we deal with it in terms of SBT? What kind of compensation is in which cases possible?

Thank you so much!

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