SBT for SMEs.Net-zero target.

Even when setting new near-term goals
Is it mandatory to set a net zero goal?
Also, is Scope 3 calculation mandatory?

Hi @ESkabusiki,

Welcome to the community. I’m not sure if you are referring to SME financial institutions or SMEs in general, but as this is a community primarily for financial institutions part of the SBTi framework, I’d assume the former.
It is not mandatory to set a net-zero goal yet. The FINZ (financial institutions net zero) foundations paper was just published this week, so it’ll be some time before FIs can set NZ-targets under SBTi.
Scope 3, and then in particular category 15, is certainly mandatory for FIs, as this is for most FIs the vast majority of emissions.

Thank you for your response.

What about a typical small business?

Also, is there a community for general business?

Unfortunately not at this point. There is a streamlined route for SMEs and your first point of call for support is