Dear SBti community,
I have not been able to figure out a practicable way how to handle the following problem. I’d appreciate any ideas or approaches you might have had in similar situations.
A FI finances elec. gen. projects.
100% of the currently financed produced MWh are renewable with close to Zero-Emissions.
However, they are currently also financing a non-renewable energy project in its construction phase. This non-renewable project will be of significant size. This project, however, is currently not producing any energy (since it’s still in the construction phase) but will produce energy in the future.
Following the SBTi-FI Method for SDAs in elec. gen. projects I would sum up the currently financed emissions and the currently financed MWh hours to get my intensity baseline. (I would have to exclude this non-renewable project). This would probably lead to a maintenance target (since they are basically financing zero emissions already).
The problem is, that they will not be able to hold their maintenance target since they are already in the progress of financing elec. gen. emissions.
I am now wondering if there is any suggested approach to this problem. I was thinking that one could maybe factor in “projected emissions” into the baseline calculation (since emissions and production capacity are pretty much known).
Any help or thoughts are much appreciated.