Which SBTi standard to use for a broadly diversified family office

Hi all, I have the following case: A family office wants to set an SBT and I am unsure which SBTi standard is the correct one to use. The institution consists of a holding office and five entities over which the holding has operational control. For the footprint the operational control approach was chosen. The entities operate in different sectors - maritime shipping, photovoltaik, real estate - plus the holding has some regular investment activities. 75% of the carbon emissions lie in maritime shipping (Scope 3.13), 15% in investment activities (Scope 3.15).
Which sector guidance should to be used or is it even possible to mix standards (e.g. maritime transport, FI and corporate)? Can anyone provide help on this inquiry? Thank you!

Hi Laura, thank you for your question. Since the scope of emissions for scope 3, cat. 15 emissions is greater than 5%, the entity would submit a target against financial institutions guidance. You may set optional scope 3, cat. 1-14 targets through the FI guidance, and use the SDA for many asset classes covered under scope 3, category 15 according to table 5.2 of the FI guidance.

Hi there, thanks so much for the reply. This helps a lot! Just to be sure: Event though Scope 3.13 makes ups more than 70% of total emissions, it is optional to set a target for this part of the company? Thanks again for your help.

Hi Laura, it is strongly recommended but not required according to FI-R9 of the current Finance Guidance.

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