SBTi Valid Target for Emission Intensity : tCO2e per EUR mln (outstanding amount)


I would like to know if anyone encountered this same issue. In my company we would like to set a target and monitor ourselves with respect to financed project emissions per million euro in total outstanding amount. Is this a SBTi valid approach? If so, how can the tool be adjusted to set a proper target aligned with 1.5C pathway?

Kind regards,

Hi Vitor, for scope 3, category 15, the SBTi currently only accepts targets that use the Sectoral Decarbonization Approach (SDA), SBT Portfolio Coverage, and/or Temperature Rating methods. The SDA is physical-intensity based and not economic-intensity based as the metric you propose.

For further information on these three methods, I’d invite you to take a look at our Training Modules for FIs (e.g., Modules 5-7).

Hi Howard,

Thank you for the reply !