Fixed Intensity Targets over In-Use Operational Emissions of High Turnover Portfolios

Hi all,

4.4 of the SBti Criteria Assessment Indicators: Buildings Sector states that […] FI may set fixed intensity targets over in-use operational emissions … […]. This applies only if some conditions are met.

My question relates to the following: We do have a high turnover portfolio within our CRE Portfolio. The kind of buildings in this portfolio vary a lot. Sometimes it’s luxury appartments in big cities, sometimes it’s industrial complexes - it is apparent that the CO2/m² KPI varies a lot depending on what we have in our portfolio. We would therefore like to explore the possibility to set “fixed intensity targets”.

However, we did not find any specific indicators on how to set “fixed-intensity targets” nor on how to prove their compatibility with 1,5° etc.
We would really appreciate guidance on how to handle this situation.