Our company is a Private Equity Firm. We would like to set a target at a limited partner level, but not general partner level. According to the Private Equity Sector Guideline, “This Guidance is not intended for Limited Partners to set SBTs. Limited Partners of direct investments, fund of funds, etc., should refer to the main SBTi FI Guidance.”
This firm holds only private equity, without any other assets type.
In this case, is FI Guidance or PE Guidance applicable?
In particular, FI Guidance specify setting a target for Scope 3 with the use of a financial tool to calculate weighting (FI-C17.2 – SBT Portfolio Coverage Targets), while private equity Guidance does not (PE-C18.2 – Portfolio coverage targets). Is it acceptable in this case, to just follow the PE Guidance in setting Scope 3 Portfolio coverage targets?